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S-8 Limited Journeyperson (2024-07-24)

50 Questions
70% Minimum Passing Score
2 Hours

The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination.  The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available.  For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.

These products apply to test outline dated 2024-07-24

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Open Book These books are allowed while taking your test.
Closed Book These books are for pre-test study only and are not available for use during the test.
In Stock These books are currently in stock.
Out of Stock These books are currently out of stock.

  • Open Book In Stock

    International Mechanical Code 2021


    Establishes minimum regulations for mechanical systems using prescriptive and performance-related provisions. The IMC was developed with broad-based principles that make possible the use of new materials, methods and design.

    Important changes in the edition include:

    Clothes dryer exhaust terminals required to be at least 3 feet from any opening into a building.
    Polyurethane spray-applied foam on the exterior of ducts in attics and crawl spaces required to meet specific smoke and flame index limits.
    Fire and smoke dampers must be provided with approved access for inspection and maintenance.
    Refrigerant tables updated to include new refrigerants.
    Addition of condensate termination identification markings and discharge restrictions.
    Approved factory-built combination intake/exhaust terminations permitted, relaxing separation requirement.
    30% reduction in minimum mechanical ventilation for whole-house balanced ventilation systems.
    Continuous operation requirement for manicure and pedicure station exhaust systems.
    Grease duct horizontal cleanout required within 3 feet of a horizontal discharge fan.

  • Closed Book In Stock

    Residential Oil Burners

    Publication Year: 2007
    3rd Edition


  • Closed Book In Stock

    Pipefitter's Handbook, 1967 3rd Edition

    3rd Edition
    Publication Year: 1967


    Compact and pocket-sized, this handy reference contains thousands of facts and figures relevant to pipefitters, steamfitters-anyone concerned with layout and installation of pipe.

  • Open Book In Stock

    International Residential Code for One and Two Family Dwellings 2021

    Publication Year: 2021


    This comprehensive code comprises all building, plumbing, mechanical, fuel gas and electrical requirements for one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories.

    **In Stock**

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 58: Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code 2014

    Publication Year: 2014


    Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code provides minimum safety requirements for all liquefied petroleum gas (propane) installations, from small cylinders installed at residences to large bulk storage facilities that can exceed 100,000 gallons. The code includes minimum requirements for safe handling during LP gas transfer, including operator qualifications, maximum filling quantity in containers, and pre-transfer inspections to ensure containers are fit for continued service.

  • Closed Book In Stock

    Modern Hydronic Heating & Cooling for Residential and Light Commercial Buildings 4th Edition

    4th Edition


    From simple applications to multi-load and multi-temperature systems, this one-of-a-kind, comprehensive text prepares readers to use the latest hydronics to create systems that deliver the ultimate in comfort, reliability and energy efficiency. Abundantly illustrated with product and installation photos and hundreds of detailed, full-color schematics, MODERN HYDRONIC HEATING, Fourth Edition, transforms engineering-level design information into practical applications useful for technical students and heating professionals alike. The revised edition features the latest design and installation techniques for residential and light commercial hydronic systems, including use of renewable energy heat sources such as air-to-water and geothermal heat pumps, hydraulic separation, variable speed circulators, distribution efficiency, heat exchangers, buffer tanks, heat metering, hydronic cooling, system balancing and proper system documentation. Anyone involved in the heating trade will benefit from this preeminent resource of the North American heating industry, which is equally well-suited for formal education courses, self-study or on-the-job reference.

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 54: National Fuel and Gas Code 2012 Edition

    Publication Year: 2012


    2012 NFPA 54: National Fuel Gas Code provides revised, industry accepted guidance for the safe installation and operation of gas piping systems, appliances, equipment, and accessories.

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 31: Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment 2011

    2011 Edition


  • Open Book In Stock

    International Mechanical Code Turbo Tabs 2021


    Flip through the 2021 IMC and find frequently used sections fast! You'll be surprised how easy it is to find what you are looking for. These tabs were created by industry experts who carefully identified the most referenced sections in the code.

    Loose Leaf Tabs Contain: Full-page inserts tabs that have the key code sections printed on them in an easy-to-read format.

    Soft Cover Tabs Contain: Clear plastic, self-adhesive tabs that have the key sections of the code printed on them in an easy-to-read format.

  • Open Book In Stock

    Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 22nd Edition


     Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning bridges the gap between students and technicians, maintaining a high standard of quality in covering both fundamental principles and the latest technologies. This esteemed resource boasts a fresh instructional design that effectively combines theory, skill development, and service techniques to equip students with the knowledge needed to install and service refrigeration and HVAC systems. With the most current technical content, a logical and progressive structure, rich learning pedagogy, superior visuals, readability, and a focus on career and workplace readiness, it is ideal for today’s learners.

    Enhanced instructor and student resources include over 100 new lab activities, new HVACR videos, and a Virtual Toolbox. The content aligns with HVAC Excellence and ACCE (formerly PAHRA) accreditation requirements, ensuring comprehensive coverage to prepare students for successful careers.

    The new edition features updated and expanded coverage of heat pumps, A2L refrigerants, and the seasonal energy efficiency ratio 2 (SEER2). Over 200 labs offer hands-on practice on topics ranging from basic residential service tasks to commercial troubleshooting. The robust digital package includes Follow-the-Heat™ animations, troubleshooting activities, new HVACR videos and animations, a new HVACR Virtual Toolbox, an image library, and more.

  • Open Book In Stock

    International Residential Code for One and Two Family Dwellings Turbo Tabs 2021


    Flip through the 2021 I-Codes series and find frequently used sections fast! You'll be surprised how easy it is to find what you are looking for. These tabs were created by industry experts who carefully identified the most referenced sections in the code.

    Soft Cover Tabs Contain: Clear plastic, self-adhesive tabs that have the key sections of the code printed on them in an easy-to-read format. The soft cover tabs can also be used in the 2021 I-Code Commentary series.