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R-11 Electrical (Residential) (2021-04-15)
Installation and repair of residential electrical systems.
110 Questions
70% Minimum Passing Score
240 Minutes Time Allowed
The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination. The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available. For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.
These products apply to test outline dated 2021-04-15
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Closed Book These books are for pre-test study only and are not available for use during the test.
In Stock These books are currently in stock.
Out of Stock These books are currently out of stock.
Closed Book In Stock
Photovoltaic Systems 3rd Edition
3rd Edition Edition
Publication Year: 2012
Photovoltaics, along with other renewable-energy technologies, is a rapidly growing sector of the energy market. Photovoltaic Systems, Second Edition, is a comprehensive guide to the design, installation, and evaluation of residential and commercial photovoltaic (PV) systems. The textbook covers the principles of photovoltaics and how to effectively incorporate PV systems into stand-alone or interconnected electrical systems. The content includes system advantages and disadvantages, site evaluation, component operation, system design and sizing, and installation requirements and recommended practices. Common scenarios and procedures are discussed throughout.
Open Book In Stock
NFPA 70: National Electrical Code 2017
Publication Year: 2017
Throughout the United States and around the world, NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC) sets the foundation for electrical safety in residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies. The 2017 edition of this trusted Code presents the latest comprehensive regulations for electrical wiring, overcurrent protection, grounding, and installation of equipment. Major additions reflect the continuing growth in renewable power technology. Other NEC revisions protect the public and workers from deadly hazards. Work with the latest requirements governing public and private buildings, homes, and structures; outdoor yards and lots; utility equipment; installations that connect to the power grid; and consumer-owned power generation systems and equipment. The 2017 NEC is better aligned with the safe work practices in NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.
Closed Book In Stock
The Easy Guide to Solar Electric Part II Installation Manual
Publication Year: 2001
This publication is a hands-on book on how to install a solar electrical system. It covers, every aspect of a solar installation in great detail, including: electrical theory with emphasis on DC wiring, system design, electrical code, as well as components of a solar system down to quirks, nuts, and bolts. In its humorous language the book also looks at alternative energy politics, policies, and the industry through a critical eye.
Open Book In Stock
NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, 2016
Publication Year: 2016
Rules cover the application, installation, location, performance, inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire alarm systems, supervising station alarm systems, public emergency alarm reporting systems, fire warning equipment and emergency communications systems (ECS), and their components. Provisions are expressed in prescriptive requirements with performance-based design methods and risk analysis requirements provided and essential for the proper design and integration of mass notification systems.
Open Book Out of Stock
Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA) 2024
Publication Year: 2024
The OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Construction Regulations book offers convenient access to vital safety guidance for both employers and employees, aiding in the prompt identification of potential hazards on any job site. Its user-friendly design features a two-color layout, simplifying navigation and comprehension of regulations. It encompasses all 1926 regulations, along with 1903 regulations on inspections, citations, and penalties, as well as 1904 regulations concerning record keeping and reporting of occupational injuries and illnesses. Additionally, select 1910 regulations relevant to construction industries are included. The book highlights regulation changes between releases and provides easy-to-access OSHA interpretations, aiding in clarity and reference. Essential documents such as OSHA Form 300 and the Cancer Policy are incorporated. In-Cite Referencing to applicable 1910 regulations is provided for further context. Lastly, the book outlines the Most Frequently Cited Standards preceding relevant Subparts, enhancing its utility as a comprehensive safety resource.