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FL-PSC Pollutant Storage Contractors (2021-01-01)

The answers to the examination questions will be based on the editions listed below. Some of the questions will also be based on field experience and knowledge of trade practices. Editions earlier or later than those listed below can be brought to the examination but AT YOUR OWN RISK. However, only one copy of each reference will be allowed into the examination. Photocopies will not be allowed unless the appropriate authorities (DBPR and the publishers) have given written authorization. Hand-written and typewritten notes are NOT allowed. Existing hand-written notes must be blackened out or whitened out completely, by the candidate, prohibiting legibility. Movable tabs (e.g., Post-it Flags) are NOT allowed. You will not be permitted to make any marks in your references during the examination.

The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination.  The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available.  For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.

These products apply to test outline dated 2021-01-01

Click Here to View the Candidate Information Bulletin Click Here to View the Candidate Information Bulletin

Open Book These books are allowed while taking your test.
Closed Book These books are for pre-test study only and are not available for use during the test.
In Stock These books are currently in stock.
Out of Stock These books are currently out of stock.

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    Petroleum Storage Systems, Chapter 62-671 & 762


  • Open Book In Stock

    Recommended Practices for Installation of Underground Liquid Storage Systems RP100

    Publication Year: 2011


    This manual provides current information on sound engineering and construction practices with regard to the proper installation of underground liquid storage systems.

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    Code of Federal Regulations, Title 29, Labor, Pt. 1900-1910.999

    2012 Edition


  • Open Book Out of Stock

    Vapor Recovery Installation RP300



  • Open Book Out of Stock

    Damage Prevention Guide

    Publication Year: 2010


    Includes FL Statute Ch. 556 Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act), October 2010. Sunshine State One-Call of Florida, Inc.,11 Plantation Road, DeBarry, FL 32713.

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    Your Petroleum Storage Tank Facility Inspection Guide


    Department of Environmental Protection, 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard M.S. 49, Tallahassee, Florida 32399

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA) 2024

    Publication Year: 2024


    The OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Construction Regulations book offers convenient access to vital safety guidance for both employers and employees, aiding in the prompt identification of potential hazards on any job site. Its user-friendly design features a two-color layout, simplifying navigation and comprehension of regulations. It encompasses all 1926 regulations, along with 1903 regulations on inspections, citations, and penalties, as well as 1904 regulations concerning record keeping and reporting of occupational injuries and illnesses. Additionally, select 1910 regulations relevant to construction industries are included. The book highlights regulation changes between releases and provides easy-to-access OSHA interpretations, aiding in clarity and reference. Essential documents such as OSHA Form 300 and the Cancer Policy are incorporated. In-Cite Referencing to applicable 1910 regulations is provided for further context. Lastly, the book outlines the Most Frequently Cited Standards preceding relevant Subparts, enhancing its utility as a comprehensive safety resource.

  • Open Book In Stock

    Walker's Building Estimator's 31st Edition


    Walker’s Building Estimator’s Reference Book is the single most important resource you can own. It gives you the tools you need to work up your own costs per job. With Walker’s, you get material quantities and labor productivity for your job based on your job conditions – that’s the kind of flexibility and reliability no computer program or unit price catalog can provide. For accurate building costs, turn to the source that construction professionals have relied on since 1915.

    Our 31st Edition has been updated and revised, and with more than 1,467 pages, this is the most comprehensive, widely-used publication of its kind. The combination of quantities of labor and material with supportive reference data enables the estimator to accurately determine variable components of unit costs. This book consolidates reference material from the supply side of the industry and displays hundreds of pages of charts ,tables, drawings and unit cost tables in appropriate sections .This reduces the user’s need to search multiple sources thus saving substantial time and analysis in the estimating process. For contractors, appraisers, adjusters, architects, engineers, home craftsmen, colleges, universities and technical schools. Walker’s Building Estimator’s Reference Book includes construction methods, material quantities, labor costs, labor productivity, reference tables, charts, and diagrams.

    General Requirements
    Construction Techniques & Methods
    Material Quantities Required
    Types of Material
    Man hours/Productivity Rates
    Application Rates
    Metric Equivalents
    Updated Wage Rates
    Consolidates Multiple Sources
    CSI Division Format

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code 2015

    2015 Edition


    For safety around flammable and combustible liquids, using the latest NFPA 30 is the first priority. Enforceable under OSHA and many state and local regulations, NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code is the best practice widely used in industry and by insurers. The 2015 edition of the Code includes the latest and most complete criteria you need to protect your facility by ensuring safe storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids.

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 30A: Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages, 2015


    This code helps mitigate fire and explosion dangers by providing safeguards for dispensing liquid and gaseous motor fuels into the fuel tanks of automotive vehicles and marine craft. (Note that NFPA 30A addresses gaseous motor fuels only where dispensed at the same facility as liquid motor fuels.)

  • Open Book In Stock

    Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA) 2023


    All Federal Construction Regulations (29 CFR 1926) are included in this “perfect bound” book in an easy-to-read, two-color layout.

    All 29 CFR 1926 regulations for construction industry are included along with the following items:

    29 CFR 1903 regulations covering inspections, citations, and penalties
    29 CFR 1904 regulations covering recording and reporting occupational injuries and illnesses
    OSHA keyword dictionary
    Easy to find OSHA interpretations