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NASCLA NASCLA-Accredited Examination - Commercial General Building Contractor (2024-08-07)
The NASCLA Accredited Examination Program was designed to assist contractors who wish to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions by offering a streamlined test taking option for the trade portion of the contractor examination. The NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors was designed to assist candidates applying within individual state agencies for the general commercial building contractor classification or similar to. Candidates who take and pass the NASCLA Accredited Examination can access NASCLA’s National Examination Database (NED) located on to electronically send their transcripts to jurisdictions that accept the examination in lieu of their state specific trade portion, thereby reducing redundant licensing requirements. Candidates are expected to follow individual state agency applications to become licensed, in addition to taking a business and law examination, etc. If you are unsure if this examination will meet your specific license requirements in a participating state agency, please contact the state agency directly to confirm. A complete list of participating state agencies can be found on NASCLA’s website by visiting: Licensees under this classification may perform ancillary work, including grading, associated with the building or structure which the licensee has been engaged to construct. However, if a project includes work performed under a Mechanical Contractor sub-classification or any of these license subclassifications, the licensee must have a license in the appropriate license classification or subclassification to perform the work: Swimming Pools, Bridges, Boring and Tunneling, Water and Sewer Lines, Pipe Lines, Railroad Lines, Specialty Roofing, Marine, Water and Sewer Plants, and Asphalt Paving.
For questions regarding the examination, please contact NASCLA via email to [email protected] or by phone at (623)587-9354. There are 115 questions in this examination. You will need toanswer 81 questions correctly in order to pass. You are allowed 330 minutes to complete this examination.
1. General Requirements (25 items)
2. Site Construction (15 items)
3. Concrete (6 items)
4. Masonry (4 items)
5. Metals (6 items)
6. Wood (5 items)
7. Thermal and Moisture Protection (5 items)
8. Doors, Windows, and Glazing (4 items)
9. Finishes (5 items)
10. Mechanical and Plumbing Systems (6 items)
11. Electrical Systems (3 items)
12. Procurement and Contracting Requirements (31 items)
Click Here to View the Candidate Information Bulletin
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Pipe and Excavation Contracting 2011
Publication Year: 2011
This popular manual has been updated and improved to bring it more current with modern earth moving and trenching equipment, refined excavation techniques, stricter safety rules, and improved materials. Here you’ll find how to enter and succeed in the underground utility business. Includes hands-on instructions for operating the equipment and doing the trenching, pipe laying and connecting work and answers to what causes so many skilled equipment operators and pipe layers to fail when they try to start their own business.
Open Book Out of Stock
Gypsum Construction Handbook 7th Edtion
Publication Year: 2014
The tried-and-true Gypsum Construction Handbook is a systematic guide to selecting and using gypsum drywall, veneer plaster, tile backers, ceilings, and conventional plaster building materials. A widely respected training text for aspiring architects and engineers, the book provides detailed product information and efficient installation methodology. The Seventh Edition features updates in gypsum products, including ultralight panels, glass-mat panels, paperfaced plastic bead, and ultralightweight joint compound, and modern specialty acoustical and ceiling product guidelines. This comprehensive reference also incorporates the latest in sustainable products.
Open Book In Stock
Placing Reinforcing Bars, 10th Edition
This unique and popular publication presents the best accepted current practices in placing reinforcing bars in structures and pavement. It is written for apprentices, journeymen ironworkers, and inspectors. A definitive resource for preparing provisions in project specifications. Eighteen heavily illustrated chapters cover topics including types of materials, handling of bars at the jobsite, general principles for bar placing, splicing, and tying, bar placement in footings, walls, columns, floors, roofs, pavement and transportation structures. Also includes a chapter on epoxy and other coated reinforcement.
Open Book In Stock
Carpentry and Building Construction, 2016 Student Edition
Publication Year: 2016
Carpentry & Building Construction is a comprehensive carpentry program that focuses on residential construction with many procedures also applying to light commercial construction. The informative text provides detailed, heavily illustrated information about materials, tools, and processes, with many step-by-step procedures. -
Open Book In Stock
Roofing Construction & Estimating Revised
The step-by-step, hands-on guide to any type of roofing on residential and commercial buildings. Covers everything from underlayment to shingles to roof coatings. Includes tips and tried-and-tested installation methods. Loaded with job-site photos, sketches and diagrams to make the procedures clear. The result: Your clients get an attractive, durable roof that provides top value, nearly eliminates callbacks and builds your reputation as a knowledgeable roofing pro.
Open Book In Stock
Training Certification of Field Personnel For Unbonded Post Tensioning
3rd Edition
Publication Year: 2003
This instructional manual has been prepared by the Post-Tensioning Institute's Committee for Training and Certification of Field Personnel for Unbonded Post-Tensioning soley as a recommended general guide and assistance to the placement, installation and inspection of unbonded single strand post-tensioning systems, the operation of stressing equipment, and accessories.
Open Book In Stock
Green Building Fundamentals, 2nd Edition
2nd Edition
Publication Year: 2011
This book helps readers understand the fundamental concepts of sustainable design and green building practices.
Open Book In Stock
Erectors' Manual - Standards and Guidelines for the Erection of Pre Cast Concrete Products, 1999
2nd Edition
Publication Year: 1999
This manual is intended to provide standards and corresponding guidelines for the erection of plant-produced precast and prestressed concrete products, and to establish a level of quality that will be recognized and respected by the construction industry. Softcover 96 pages
Open Book In Stock
Construction Jobsite Management 4th Edition
Publication Year: 2017
The newly updated Fourth Edition of CONSTRUCTION JOBSITE MANAGEMENT examines all facets of construction project management from the contractor’s point of view. The responsibilities of project managers, construction superintendents, and construction engineers are covered in depth, from configuring a project team through closing out a project. The text maintains a strong focus on jobsite personnel activities, outlining proven procedures and offering helpful techniques to manage projects effectively from start to finish. Clear, concise language and accurate, relevant detail make this book an essential introduction to the "real world" of construction jobsite management.
Open Book Out of Stock
Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA) 2024
Publication Year: 2024
The OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Construction Regulations book offers convenient access to vital safety guidance for both employers and employees, aiding in the prompt identification of potential hazards on any job site. Its user-friendly design features a two-color layout, simplifying navigation and comprehension of regulations. It encompasses all 1926 regulations, along with 1903 regulations on inspections, citations, and penalties, as well as 1904 regulations concerning record keeping and reporting of occupational injuries and illnesses. Additionally, select 1910 regulations relevant to construction industries are included. The book highlights regulation changes between releases and provides easy-to-access OSHA interpretations, aiding in clarity and reference. Essential documents such as OSHA Form 300 and the Cancer Policy are incorporated. In-Cite Referencing to applicable 1910 regulations is provided for further context. Lastly, the book outlines the Most Frequently Cited Standards preceding relevant Subparts, enhancing its utility as a comprehensive safety resource.
Open Book In Stock
International Building Code 2021
Publication Year: 2021
This code applies to all buildings except detached one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses up to three stories. The 2021 IBC contains many important changes.
Open Book In Stock
ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities 2017 Turbo Tabs
Flip through the ICC A117.1-2017 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities Standard and find frequently used sections fast! You'll be surprised how easy it is to find what you are looking for. These tabs were created by industry experts who carefully identified the most referenced sections in the standard. Clear plastic, self-adhesive tabs that have the key sections of the standard printed on them in an easy-to-read format.
Open Book In Stock
Construction Project Management 4th edition
This up-to-the-minute text addresses all facets of successful construction project management in today’s complex environments. Construction Project Management introduces all key players in the process, walks through each project phase, and presents tools for effectively managing both people and projects. Co-authored by an academic and an industry professional, it fuses theory and practical reality, and interweaves roles of owner, designer, and construction professional throughout. It first introduces the modern industry and profession, presenting emerging trends, roles, contractual arrangements, and opportunities. Next, it focuses on the project itself, from concept to occupancy, and address the construction professional’s growing role during design and early construction. Students also master modern tools for estimating, scheduling, control, and feedback. The text provides many charts and images, as well as real-world sidebars authored by industry-leading professionals. This edition presents new technologies, techniques, statistics, trends, and career information throughout, including new approaches to collaboration, project delivery, and continuous improvement.
Open Book In Stock
ACI 318-14 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete & Commentary
Publication Year: 2014
The “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete” (“Code”) provides minimum requirements for the materials, design, and detailing of structural concrete buildings and, where applicable, nonbuilding structures. This Code addresses structural systems, members, and connections, including cast-in-place, precast, plain, nonprestressed, prestressed, and composite construction. Among the subjects covered are: design and construction for strength, serviceability, and durability; load combinations, load factors, and strength reduction factors; structural analysis methods; deflection limits; mechanical and adhesive anchoring to concrete; development and splicing of reinforcement; construction document information; field inspection and testing; and methods to evaluate the strength of existing structures.
Open Book In Stock
SDI (Manual of Construction with Steel Deck) Edition 3
Publication Year: 2017
3RD Edition
The new Third Edition of the Steel Deck Institute Manual of Construction with Steel Deck (MOC3) continues the tradition established by earlier editions to provide information necessary for the proper field usage of steel deck. This edition is reformatted for easier use with updated references, including those for the SDI QA/QC Standard for Quality Control and Quality Assurance for Installation of Steel Deck.
Open Book Out of Stock
NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, Basic 14th Edition
The NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law, and Project Management is divided into three sections.
Part 1 focuses on business planning and startup. This section helps you develop a business plan, choose a business structure, understand licensing and insurance requirements, and acquire basic management and marketing skills.
Part 2 covers the fundamentals needed to operate a successful construction business. It addresses estimating, contract management, scheduling, project management, safety and environmental responsibilities, and building strong relationships with employees, subcontractors, and customers.
Part 3 provides valuable information on managing the administrative functions of your business. It covers financial management, tax basics, and lien laws. Effective management in these areas is crucial and can lead to serious problems if not properly attended to.
Open Book In Stock
Technical Digest No. 9 - Handling and Erection of Steel Joists and Joist Girders - 3rd Edition
Publication Year: 2008
3rd Edition
This updated Technical Digest provides clear guidance on the proper handling and installation of SJI joist products to prevent damage, ensure performance, and prioritize worker safety. It covers standard products such as K-Series joists, LH/DLH-Series joists, Joist Girders, and the newer CJ-Series joists introduced in 2007. Topics include product preparation, tagging, loading, shipping, unloading, storage, erection (including bridging), and field inspections. The digest also addresses penalized erection, common field issues, and updated information on bridging (Chapter 8) and miscellaneous field topics (Chapter 9). This resource is ideal for general contractors, steel erectors, inspectors, building officials, engineers, and architects involved in overseeing joist and Joist Girder projects.
Open Book In Stock
ANSI A117.1 Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities 2017
This easy-to-use format includes the full text of ICC A117.1-2017: Standard for Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities, including tables and figures, followed by the corresponding commentary for each section. The commentary and accompanying figures explain the background and intent of the requirements and suggest the most effective method of application. Potential consequences of not following the provisions of the standard are also discussed.
The ICC A117.1-2017 standard provides the technical requirements to make sites, facilities, buildings and elements accessible to and usable by people with physical disabilities. The intent of the standard is to allow a person with a physical disability to independently get to, enter, and use a site, facility, building, or element. The commentary explains how the provisions of the standard make the elements accessible and is a must-have reference for facility professionals, building owners, architects, designers, and code officials who want to stay current on the requirements of A117.1.
Besides addressing each section of the standard, the 2017 edition of the commentary addresses many items revised or added since the 2009 edition, including:
For new buildings and additions, enhanced dimensions for the clear floor space, turning space and the accessible route. This will affect the space provided at elements and will increase the maneuverability within such spaces for users of powered wheelchairs and scooters.
Provisions incorporating many of the latest criteria for public rights of way provisions for curb cuts, blended transitions, detectable warnings, diagonal parking and street parking (PROWAG).
Provision to improve safety for an accessible route traversing a parking lot.
Provisions to facilitate charging of powered wheelchairs where they will be parked for duration, such as in accessible hotel rooms and at some wheelchair seating in assembly spaces.
Provisions addressing accessibility at electric vehicle charging stations.
Provisions for water bottle filling stations.
Provisions that address spaces for sign language interpreter stations and sign language video booths.
A new section addressing classroom acoustics that aims to improve acoustics in the rooms and to reduce the intrusion of noises from outside the classroom, thereby enhancing the learning environment.
This publication provides an excellent resource for anyone who wants a better understanding of ICC A117.1-2017 and how its provisions make buildings and facilities accessible and usable. -
Open Book In Stock
BCSI: Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing, Restraining, and Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses 2018
Publication Year: 2018
BCSI includes information and guidance pertaining to diagonal bracing for web members with two rows of lateral restraint, as well as permanent lateral restraint and diagonal bracing guidance for trusses spaced wider than 2' o.c. With references to building codes, standards and OSHA regulations, BCSI consists of ten chapters that contain the most current information regarding the handling, installing, restraining, and bracing of metal plate connected wood trusses.
Open Book In Stock
Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction 10th Edition
10th Edition
A practical, well-rounded approach to modern construction principles and practices
Principles and Practices of Commercial Construction teaches students how to apply design theory to the construction process, providing crucial working knowledge for contractors managing subcontractors. Progressing from basic to advanced material, the text appears on the approved reference list for numerous states requiring contractors to pass licensing exams. Its flexible organization gives instructors the option of teaching each chapter on a standalone basis in a range of construction, architecture, and engineering courses. The 10th edition expands its discussion of practical applications in structural design projects and adds practice opportunities preparing students for licensing exams.
Open Book In Stock
Contractors Guide to Quality Concrete Construction 4th Edition
Publication Year: 2018
4th Edition
This document is published jointly by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) and the American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC). It has been reviewed in accordance with the Educational Committee Manual document review procedures of the ACI Educational Activities Committee. ACI and ASCC reports are intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains.
Now 262 pages – over 100 pages longer than the previous edition – the guide includes full-color photos and illustrations, a new, easier-to-read layout, and substantial content updates. Also included in the fourth edition are 43 Position Statements from ASCC, details on ACI Certification programs, and an appendix introducing several legal issues of interest to concrete contractors. A summary, review questions, and additional recommended reading list accompany each of the 12 chapters.
Published 2018
Open Book In Stock
International Building Code Turbo Tabs 2021
Flip through the 2021 I-Codes series and find frequently used sections fast! You'll be surprised how easy it is to find what you are looking for. These tabs were created by industry experts who carefully identified the most referenced sections in the code.
Soft Cover Tabs Contain: Clear plastic, self-adhesive tabs that have the key sections of the code printed on them in an easy-to-read format. The soft cover tabs can also be used in the 2021 I-Code Commentary series.
Open Book Out of Stock
ANSI/EIMA 99-A-2017: Standard for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) and EIFS with Drainage
Publication Year: 2017
The ANSI/EIMA 99A - 2017 is a set of rules that explain how to use materials called Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) and EIFS with Drainage to cover the outside of buildings. The standard tells you the basic materials and designs you need to know to use EIFS and EIFS with Drainage, but if you want more specific instructions for a particular EIF System, you should check with the manufacturer's product literature. The standard also includes additional information in the Annex.
This product is no longer available in print form please CLICK THIS LINK to purchase, download and print your copy.
Open Book In Stock
Modern Masonry: Brick, Block, Stone 9th Edition
Publication Year: 2020
Modern Masonry: Brick, Block, Stone provides a broad understanding of the properties and applications of masonry materials. It begins with coverage on careers to help students learn about the industry. It then progresses to teaching safe and proper procedures for working with brick, block, and stone. Coverage of concrete form construction and flatwork is also included. Green features address specific topics relating to masonry’s impact on the environment.