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MS-14J Journeyman Dry Chemical Fire Protection (2020-01-01)

50 Questions
Minimum Passing Score of 75%
Time Allowed - 90 Minutes

The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination.  The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available.  For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.

These products apply to test outline dated 2020-01-01

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Closed Book These books are for pre-test study only and are not available for use during the test.
In Stock These books are currently in stock.
Out of Stock These books are currently out of stock.

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 72: National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code 2010

    Publication Year: 2010


    1.1 Scope. 1.1.1 NFPA 72 covers the application, installation, location, performance, inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire alarm systems, supervising station alarm systems, public emergency alarm reporting systems, fire warning equipment and emergency communications systems (ECS), and their components. 1.1.2 The provisions of this chapter apply throughout the Code unless otherwise noted

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 10: Standard For Portable Fire Extinguishers 2007

    2007 Edition


    The provisions of this standard apply to the selection, installation, inspection, maintenance, and testing of portable extinguishing equipment. A.1.1 Many fires are small at origin and can be extinguished by the use of portable fire extinguishers. Notification of the fire department as soon as a fire is discovered is strongly recommended. This alarm should not be delayed by awaiting results of the application of portable fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers can represent an important segment of any overall fire protection program.

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    NFPA 11: Standard For Low, Medium And High Expansion Foam 2005

    2005 Edition


    This standard covers the design, installation, operation, testing, and maintenance of low-, medium-, and high-expansion foam systems for fire protection. It is not the intent of this standard to specify where foam protection is required.

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    NFPA 12A:Standard On Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems 2009

    Publication Year: 2009


    1.1 Scope. This standard contains minimum requirements for total flooding Halon 1301 fire extinguishing systems. It includes only the essentials necessary to make the standard workable in the hands of those skilled in this field. Only those skilled in this work are competent to design, install, maintain, decommission, and remove this equipment. It might be necessary for many of those charged with purchasing, inspecting, testing, approving, operating, and maintaining this equipment to consult with an experienced and competent fire protection engineer to effectively discharge their respective duties. (See Annex C.)

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 17: Standard for Dry Chemical Extinguishing System 2009

    2009 Edition


    This standard includes minimum requirements for dry chemical fire-extinguishing systems that discharge dry chemical from fixed nozzles or hand hose lines by means of expellant gas.

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    NFPA 17A: Standard for Wet Chemical Extinguishing Systems 2009

    2009 Edition


    The provisions of this standard apply to the design, installation, operation, testing, and maintenance of pre-engineered wet chemical fire extinguishing systems that discharge wet chemical from fixed nozzles and piping by means of appellant gas. It contains only the essential requirements and recommendations needed to make the standard workable in the hands of those skilled in this field.


    *Please CLICK HERE to purchase the digital version of this title from the publisher*

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 96: Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations 2008

    2008 Edition


    1.1 Scope. 1.1.1* This standard shall provide the minimum fire safety requirements (preventative and operative) related to the design, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of all public and private cooking operations. 1.1.2 This standard shall apply to residential cooking equipment used for commercial cooking operations. 1.1.3 This standard shall not apply to cooking equipment located in a single dwelling unit. 1.1.4* This standard shall not apply to facilities where all of the following are met: (1) Only residential equipment is being used. (2) Fire extinguishers are located in all kitchen areas in accordance with NFPA 10, Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers. (3) The facility is not an assembly occupancy. (4) The authority having jurisdiction has approved the installation.

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    NFPA 2001:Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems 2012

    2012 Edition


    1.1 Scope. This standard contains minimum requirements for total flooding and local application clean agent fire extinguishing systems. It does not cover fire extinguishing systems that use carbon dioxide or water as the primary extinguishing media, which are addressed by other NFPA documents.

  • Open Book In Stock

    NFPA 12:Standard On Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems 2011

    Publication Year: 2011


    1.1* Scope. 1.1.1 This standard contains minimum requirements for carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems. 1.1.2 This standard includes only the necessary essentials to make it workable in the hands of those skilled in this field. A.1.1 Portable carbon dioxide equipment is covered in NFPA 10. The use of carbon dioxide for inerting is covered in NFPA 69.

  • Open Book In Stock

    Uniform Plumbing Code 2015


    2015 Uniform Plumbing Code Study Guide is a tool for self-study or classroom training that assists users in better understanding the requirements of the 2015 Uniform Plumbing Code.

  • Open Book In Stock

    Uniform Mechanical Code 2015

    Publication Year: 2015


    The 2015 edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC©) represents the most current approaches in the mechanical field.  It is the fifth edition developed under the ANSI Consensus process is designated as an American National Standards by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Contributions to the content of this code were made by every segment of the built industry, including such diverse interests as consumers, enforcing authorities, installers/maintainers, labor, manufacturers, research/standards/ testing laboratories, special experts and users. The UMC provides complete requirements for the installation and maintenance of heating, ventilating, cooling and refrigeration systems, while at the same time allowing latitude for innovations and new technologies.