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7-69 Insulation (Commercial and Industrial) (2017-09-14)

Insulation (Commercial and Industrial) is a closed book, 50 multiple-choice question examination covering all aspects of insulation relating to construction. Listed below is only a sample of the many good references available on this subject which may be helpful in studying for this examination. This is not a comprehensive listing. Please note that it is not necessary to read all of the books in order to pass the examination. Rather, this list is intended to suggest what types of books might be useful in helping to acquire the basic knowledge needed to perform this type of work. We try to keep this list current with books in print, but some books go out of print from time to time. These books may be available in your local library's collection or through your local library by using the services of Inter-Library Loan. If still in print, these books may also be available through your local bookstore or by contacting the publisher.

The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination.  The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available.  For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.

These products apply to test outline dated 2017-09-14

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Open Book These books are allowed while taking your test.
Closed Book These books are for pre-test study only and are not available for use during the test.
In Stock These books are currently in stock.
Out of Stock These books are currently out of stock.

  • Closed Book In Stock

    Insulation Handbook

    Publication Year: 2001

    Written by two expert authors with hands-on construction and design experience, Insulation Handbook offers help with:*Evaluating the pros and cons of today’s most commonly used materials -- including loose fill, batts, blankets, spray-on, and boards – as well as cutting-edge technologies still under development*Deciding upon the best insulation strategy*Codes, standards, and regulations*Achieving optimum thermal comfort in any home*Understanding innovative insulation systems such as ICFs (insulated concrete formwork), SIPs (structured insulated panels) and drainable-type EIFs*Preventing damages caused by moisture accumulation*Solving the problems presented by asbestos and other dangerous materials*Obtaining information from manufacturers and suppliers*Exploring thermal insulation materials of the past, present, and future


  • Closed Book Out of Stock

    Thermal Insulation Building Guide


    Illustrates and provides design details for some 80 insulation combinations for 40 basic construction assemblies involving flat and pitched roofs, ceilings, walls (above and below grade), floors and slabs, doors, windows, and ducts. For professionals and layman who need to specify, estimate, design, and install thermal insulation using the most effective combination of design, materials, and installation techniques.

  • Closed Book Out of Stock

    Thermal Insulation Handbook


    A practical guide for engineers, contractors, architects, and plant managers.

  • Closed Book In Stock

    Walker's Building Estimator's 31st Edition


    Walker’s Building Estimator’s Reference Book is the single most important resource you can own. It gives you the tools you need to work up your own costs per job. With Walker’s, you get material quantities and labor productivity for your job based on your job conditions – that’s the kind of flexibility and reliability no computer program or unit price catalog can provide. For accurate building costs, turn to the source that construction professionals have relied on since 1915.

    Our 31st Edition has been updated and revised, and with more than 1,467 pages, this is the most comprehensive, widely-used publication of its kind. The combination of quantities of labor and material with supportive reference data enables the estimator to accurately determine variable components of unit costs. This book consolidates reference material from the supply side of the industry and displays hundreds of pages of charts ,tables, drawings and unit cost tables in appropriate sections .This reduces the user’s need to search multiple sources thus saving substantial time and analysis in the estimating process. For contractors, appraisers, adjusters, architects, engineers, home craftsmen, colleges, universities and technical schools. Walker’s Building Estimator’s Reference Book includes construction methods, material quantities, labor costs, labor productivity, reference tables, charts, and diagrams.

    General Requirements
    Construction Techniques & Methods
    Material Quantities Required
    Types of Material
    Man hours/Productivity Rates
    Application Rates
    Metric Equivalents
    Updated Wage Rates
    Consolidates Multiple Sources
    CSI Division Format