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Highway Contractor (2024-11-12)

This classification covers all highway construction activity including grading, paving of all types, installation of exterior artificial athletic surfaces, relocation of public and private utility lines ancillary to the principal project, bridge construction and repair, culvert construction and repair, parking decks, sidewalks, curbs, gutters and storm drainage. It includes installation and erection of guard rails, fencing, signage and ancillary highway hardware; covers paving and grading of airport and airfield runways, taxiways, and aprons, including the installation of fencing, signage, runway lighting and marking; and work done under the specialty classifications of S(Boring and Tunneling), S(Concrete Construction), S(Marine Construction), S(Railroad Construction), and H(Grading and Excavating).

Questions - 90
Minimum Passing Score of 70%
Time Allowed - 265 Minutes

The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination.  The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available.  For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.

These products apply to test outline dated 2024-11-12

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Open Book These books are allowed while taking your test.
Closed Book These books are for pre-test study only and are not available for use during the test.
In Stock These books are currently in stock.
Out of Stock These books are currently out of stock.

  • Closed Book In Stock

    Pipe and Excavation Contracting 2011

    Publication Year: 2011


    This popular manual has been updated and improved to bring it more current with modern earth moving and trenching equipment, refined excavation techniques, stricter safety rules, and improved materials. Here you’ll find how to enter and succeed in the underground utility business. Includes hands-on instructions for operating the equipment and doing the trenching, pipe laying and connecting work and answers to what causes so many skilled equipment operators and pipe layers to fail when they try to start their own business.

  • Closed Book In Stock

    Placing Reinforcing Bars, 10th Edition


    This unique and popular publication presents the best accepted current practices in placing reinforcing bars in structures and pavement. It is written for apprentices, journeymen ironworkers, and inspectors. A definitive resource for preparing provisions in project specifications. Eighteen heavily illustrated chapters cover topics including types of materials, handling of bars at the jobsite, general principles for bar placing, splicing, and tying, bar placement in footings, walls, columns, floors, roofs, pavement and transportation structures. Also includes a chapter on epoxy and other coated reinforcement.

  • Open Book In Stock

    Blank Quick Reference Tabs


  • Closed Book In Stock

    Training Certification of Field Personnel For Unbonded Post Tensioning

    3rd Edition
    Publication Year: 2003


    This instructional manual has been prepared by the Post-Tensioning Institute's Committee for Training and Certification of Field Personnel for Unbonded Post-Tensioning soley as a recommended general guide and assistance to the placement, installation and inspection of unbonded single strand post-tensioning systems, the operation of stressing equipment, and accessories.

  • Open Book In Stock

    CAMA Handbook for Development of Coastal North Carolina


  • Closed Book In Stock

    North Carolina One-Call Center Excavation Manual




  • Closed Book In Stock

    Laws and Regulations Applicable to General Contracting


  • Closed Book Out of Stock

    Jacked Tunnel Design and Construction

    1999 Edition



  • Closed Book In Stock

    Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook 2000

    2nd Edition
    Publication Year: 2000


    This second edition covers state-of-the-art asphalt paving, plant operations, transportation of materials, surface preparation, lay down, compaction, and quality control processes. It is aimed at field personnel who are responsible for these operations—both contractor personnel who do the work and agency personnel who oversee and inspect the work.

  • Closed Book In Stock

    Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures 17th Edition

    Publication Year: 2021
    17th Edition


    Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 17th Edition is the definitive guide for engineers, contractors, producers, instructors, and students. This new edition reflects the latest advances in concrete technology and highlights concrete’s contribution to sustainability. Provides guidance on all aspects of concrete technology from selection of suitable materials to designing and proportioning a concrete mixture.

    Backed by over 100 years of research by the Portland Cement Association and other industry groups.

    Reflects the latest guidance on standards, specifications, and test methods of ASTM International (ASTM), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the American Concrete Institute (ACI).

    Presenting a 40% increase in new information, including two new chapters on imperfections in concrete and innovations in concrete technology.

  • Open Book Out of Stock

    Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods 10th Edition

    10th Edition


    This extensively updated manual delves into the essential aspects of construction equipment, machinery utilization, and production estimation. It provides comprehensive insights into construction economics, earthwork, and the properties of soil and rock. Clear explanations are given for processes such as rock blasting, drilling, pile driving, water pumping, and concrete and asphalt construction. The book also delves into the technical intricacies of calculating machine production capability.

    The Tenth Edition of Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods outlines the latest technologies and demonstrates their practical application in real-world construction projects, with a focus on the advanced capabilities of cutting-edge machinery. The inclusion of examples and illustrations featuring the latest equipment models, along with chapter summaries and homework problems, reinforces key concepts. Presented in a logical and concise manner, this current edition introduces new chapters on trenches, trenchless technology, and virtual design.

  • Open Book In Stock

    Sports Fields: Design, Construction, and Maintenance 3rd Edition


    The updated Third Edition of Sports Fields: Design, Construction, and Maintenance is a comprehensive reference for professionals who are responsible for the design, construction, renovation, and maintenance of athletic facilities. This book contains illustrative examples of specific design elements of the most popular sports facilities. This Third Edition contains new chapters on safety, public relations, and professionalism for future sports field managers, as well as fresh drawings and photos that highlight innovative field layout, grading, irrigation, and drainage. All-new case studies review best practices and techniques for sports fields ranging from youth and high school fields to fields that are designed for professional athletes. This text is also an ideal resource for anyone studying for Sports Field Manager Certification (offered by STMA).

    Features new case studies that include design and management best practices for all levels and types of sports facilities
    Offers new chapters on safety, public relations, and professionalism for future sports field managers
    Includes new illustrations and photos of innovative field layout, grading, irrigation, and drainage
    Contains the most recent information on sand-based field systems and synthetic turf
    Presents discussions of a range of fields including baseball, softball, football, soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, tennis, and track and field
    Sports Fields: Design, Construction, and Maintenance, Third Edition is a blueprint for field managers, designers, and builders for successful sports field projects.

  • Closed Book Out of Stock

    The Practical Guide to Railway Engineering 3rd Edition


    Written by a group of over 50 railroad professionals, representing over 1200 years of experience, the Practical Guide to Railway Engineering may be the most useful tool since the vibratory tamper. The New Third Edition has a fresh look and updated and expanded content. Whether you’re new to the industry or a long-time contributor who simply wishes to learn more, this book offers in-depth coverage of railway fundamentals and serves as an excellent reference. This text combines and consolidates the most useful information from a multitude of sources including: AREMA Manuals; Railway Engineering by W.W. Hay; Railway Curves and Earthwork by C. Frank Allen; FRA, USDOT and other agency sources.

  • Open Book In Stock

    NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, North Carolina, 10th edition

    10 Edition


    The North Carolina NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law, and Project Management, General 10th Edition, serves as a comprehensive resource for contractors.

    Organized into three sections, the guide offers vital insights into various aspects of the construction industry.

    In Part 1, emphasis is placed on business planning and initiation. It aids in crafting business strategies, selecting appropriate structures, navigating licensing and insurance prerequisites, and acquiring essential management and marketing competencies.

    Part 2 delves into the foundational elements necessary for operating a thriving construction enterprise. Topics covered include estimation techniques, contract administration, scheduling methodologies, project supervision, safety protocols, environmental obligations, and fostering positive relationships with staff, subcontractors, and clientele.

    Part 3 furnishes indispensable guidance for managing the administrative facets of a business. It encompasses financial administration, taxation essentials, and lien regulations. Effective oversight of these business domains is imperative, as neglecting them can lead to significant complications.

  • Open Book In Stock

    NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management, North Carolina, 9th Edition

    Publication Year: 2021
    9th Edition


    The NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law and Project Management is organized into 3 sections. 

    Part 1 focuses on business planning and start up.  This section will help you formulate a business plan, choose a business structure, understand licensing and insurance requirements and gain basic management and marketing skills.

    Part 2 is centered on fundamentals that you will need to operate a successful construction business.  This section will cover estimating, contract management, scheduling, project management, safety and environmental responsibilities and building good relationships with employees, subcontractors and customers.

    Part 3 gives you valuable information for running the administrative function of your business.  Financial management, tax basics and lien laws are covered.  Effective management of these areas of business is vital and can cause you serious problems if you do not give them the proper attention.