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CMC Full Mechanical Contractor (2023-08-11)
Effective May 24, 2007, Senate Bill 0786 and HB 2122 requires plumbers to be pre approved prior to taking CMC (plumbing exam) and must show evidence of three (3) years experience. You must complete the “Exam Approval Request” form found on the Boards website:, and send to the Board office. Upon receipt, after the experience is confirmed, your information will be electronically submitted to PSI, and you can then schedule for the examination.
Questions - 120
Minimum Passing Score of 73%
Time Allowed - 325 Minutes
The reference material listed below was used to prepare the questions for this examination. The examination may also contain questions based on trade knowledge or general industry practices. Except for Code books, you can base your answers on later editions of references as they become available. For Code questions, the examinations will be based only on the edition of the Code book that is listed.
Click Here to View the Candidate Information Bulletin
Closed Book These books are for pre-test study only and are not available for use during the test.
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Open Book Out of Stock
International Plumbing Code Turbo Tabs 2012
Publication Year: 2012
Flip through the 2012 I-Codes series and find frequently used sections fast! You'll be surprised how easy it is to find what you are looking for. These tabs were created by industry experts who carefully identified the most referenced sections in the code.
Open Book Out of Stock
Code of Federal Regulations, 29 CFR Part 1926 (OSHA) 2024
Publication Year: 2024
The OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Construction Regulations book offers convenient access to vital safety guidance for both employers and employees, aiding in the prompt identification of potential hazards on any job site. Its user-friendly design features a two-color layout, simplifying navigation and comprehension of regulations. It encompasses all 1926 regulations, along with 1903 regulations on inspections, citations, and penalties, as well as 1904 regulations concerning record keeping and reporting of occupational injuries and illnesses. Additionally, select 1910 regulations relevant to construction industries are included. The book highlights regulation changes between releases and provides easy-to-access OSHA interpretations, aiding in clarity and reference. Essential documents such as OSHA Form 300 and the Cancer Policy are incorporated. In-Cite Referencing to applicable 1910 regulations is provided for further context. Lastly, the book outlines the Most Frequently Cited Standards preceding relevant Subparts, enhancing its utility as a comprehensive safety resource.
Open Book In Stock
Ugly's Electrical References 2023
Publication Year: 2023
Ugly’s Electrical References, 2023 Edition is the essential on-the-job reference tool for electrical industry professionals.
The 2023 Edition provides the most pertinent, up-to-date information used by electricians, including updated NEC code and table change information; mathematical formulas; NEMA wiring configurations; conduit bending guide; ampacity and conduit fill information; transformer and control circuit wiring diagrams; and conversion tables.
The 2023 Edition:
- Reflects changes to the 2023 National Electrical Code (NEC)
- Features expanded coverage of the following topics:
- Full-load currents for 3-phase transformers
- Maximum number of conductors in electrical metallic tubing for trade sizes 5 and 6
- Equipment grounding conductors
- General lighting loads for non-dwelling occupancies
Open Book In Stock
ACCA Ductulator Slide Rule
This durable two-sided plastic sizing wheel comes with a complete instruction manual for residential and commercial duct-sizing procedures. Designed by Hank Rutkowski.
Open Book In Stock
NFPA 13: Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 2010
Publication Year: 2010
The 2010 NFPA 13: Installation of Sprinkler Systems is revised and updated with added criteria based on recent fire testing and studies performed by the Fire Protection Research Foundation. Chapter 20: Special Designs of Storage Protection presents requirements for the protection of three new special storage arrangements, including carton records storage with catwalk access, and high bay records storage. This edition also adopts the SEI/ASCE 7 approach for load calculations and introduces new zone-of-influence tables for Schedule 5 steel pipe, CPVC, and Type M copper tube. An important new method to calculate rack shelf area takes the placement of loads into consideration.
Open Book In Stock
International Mechanical Code Turbo Tabs 2012
Flip through the 2012 I-Codes series and find frequently used sections fast! You'll be surprised how easy it is to find what you are looking for. These tabs were created by industry experts who carefully identified the most referenced sections in the code.
Open Book In Stock
ACCA Manual J: Residential Load Calculation
8th Edition
Publication Year: 2008
Used to determine how much heating/cooling a home needs to stay cool and dry in the summer and warm in the winter. This load calculation process was developed by engineers in the heating and air conditioning industry and has been used for decades to accurately size heating and air-conditioning equipment. After completing this load calculation process, one can choose a properly sized piece of machinery to satisfy the load.
Open Book In Stock
Pipefitter's Handbook, 1967 3rd Edition
3rd Edition
Publication Year: 1967
Compact and pocket-sized, this handy reference contains thousands of facts and figures relevant to pipefitters, steamfitters-anyone concerned with layout and installation of pipe.
Open Book In Stock
International Fuel Gas Code 2012
Publication Year: 2012
The 2012 INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE SOFTBOUND VERSION sets forth requirements that address the design and installation of fuel gas systems and gas-fired appliances, based on the most current information and technology available. The requirements are performance-driven, making this an effective tool and valuable addition to a user's code products.
Open Book In Stock
International Plumbing Code 2012
Publication Year: 2012
With an emphasis on design and installation for optimum performance, the 2012 INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE SOFTBOUND VERSION sets forth established requirements for plumbing systems. This important reference guide includes provisions for fixtures, piping, fittings, and devices, as well as design and installation methods for water supply, sanitary drainage, and storm drainage. The 2012 edition of the code includes the 2012 INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE SEWAGE DISPOSAL CODE, a companion guide that offers additional provisions for the design, installation, and inspection of private sewage disposal systems. Using both prescriptive- and performance-related specifications, this code provides comprehensive minimum regulations for a variety of plumbing facilities, facilitating the design and acceptance of new and innovative products, materials, and systems.
Open Book In Stock
HVAC Duct Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible
The third edition of the HVAC Duct Construction Standards – Metal and Flexible is intended primarily for commercial and institutional duct construction. This American National Standard contains tables and details for constructing ductwork for ½" to 10" wg positive and negative pressures. This edition improves upon the second edition with expanded pressure class tables, separate tables for TDC/TDF construction and expanded tables for round duct construction including 6" wg positive and negative pressure and sizes up to 96". New in this edition is an engineering and design chapter to provide additional information to design professionals, double-wall construction details, new casing construction details and additional accessory items. The standard is applicable for construction using uncoated steel, galvanized and stainless steels and a limited range of aluminum ducts. This standard has been adopted in the ICC International Mechanical Code.
Open Book In Stock
Carrier System Design Manual Part 3 - Piping Design
Publication Year: 1973
This part of the System Design Manual presents data and examples to guide the engineer in practical design and layout of normal air conditioning piping systems.
Open Book In Stock
ACCA Manual N: Load Calculation for Commercial Summer and Winter Air Conditioning
5th Edition
Publication Year: 2008
ACCA's latest update of the Manual N light commercial method, Wrightsoft's Right-N is a simple, clear, logical, yet very sophisticated program to help you compute your calculations quickly and accurately.
Open Book In Stock
International Fuel Gas Code Turbo Tabs 2012
Flip through the 2012 I-Codes series and find frequently used sections fast! You'll be surprised how easy it is to find what you are looking for. These tabs were created by industry experts who carefully identified the most referenced sections in the code.
Open Book In Stock
International Mechanical Code 2012
Publication Year: 2012
For the most current mechanical codes that address the design and installation of the most current mechanical systems, use the 2012 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE SOFTBOUND VERSION. Designed to provide comprehensive regulations for mechanical systems and equipment, it includes coverage of HVAC, exhaust systems, chimneys and vents, ducts, appliances, boilers, water heaters, refrigerators, hydronic piping, and solar systems. This valuable reference uses prescriptive- and performance- related provisions to establish minimum regulations for a variety of systems.
Open Book In Stock
Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 22nd Edition
Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning bridges the gap between students and technicians, maintaining a high standard of quality in covering both fundamental principles and the latest technologies. This esteemed resource boasts a fresh instructional design that effectively combines theory, skill development, and service techniques to equip students with the knowledge needed to install and service refrigeration and HVAC systems. With the most current technical content, a logical and progressive structure, rich learning pedagogy, superior visuals, readability, and a focus on career and workplace readiness, it is ideal for today’s learners.